Sunday, May 01, 2016

Know Thy Enemy: a Classier Take on Class Warfare - Texas Millennial Institute

Know Thy Enemy: a Classier Take on Class Warfare - Texas Millennial Institute:

"In case you didn’t know it, the ultra-rich are widely vilified—particularly within movements such as Occupy Wall Street and the political campaign of Bernie Sanders, which has captured the hearts of many a burgeoning millennial. Who are the ultra-rich? And why are they widely vilified? Many are executives, or work in industries such as finance, law, medicine, and technology—with the top 1% having an average household income of $1.2 million in 2008, according to federal tax data.⁠1 While some inherited substantial wealth, many are self-made.

As for their vilification, it has a lot to do with what is called greed. Did ever a word sound more vicious? Greed is ugly, sinful avarice; the root of all evil; or so, at least, many of us are taught. While some look at the ultra-rich and see success, others see only greed."

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