Friday, May 20, 2016

State Expects to Take $2.4 Billion More; Media Cries 'Deficit!'

State Expects to Take $2.4 Billion More; Media Cries 'Deficit!' [Michigan Capitol Confidential]: "Based on recent media headlines, readers and viewers could be excused for believing the state of Michigan’s budget is in crisis mode.
It’s not. 
Over the next two fiscal years, Michigan’s state government expects to collect almost $2.4 billion more from sales, income, business and property tax payments than it gets now.
While the increases are slightly less than earlier estimates suggested they might be, even in Lansing a nearly $2.4 billion cumulative raise over two years is considered real money.
Yet “budget crisis” is exactly how most media outlets characterized the recent changes in revenue estimates produced by the state Department of Treasury and the House and Senate fiscal agencies. Here’s what people should know:
Is the state losing money?
According to a revenue consensus produced this week by the Michigan Treasury and the Legislature's fiscal agencies, the state is projected to collect $740 million more in the next fiscal year (which starts Oct. 1, 2016) than it will get this year. Even larger revenue increases are projected for the following year.
How can there be a “deficit” if they’re getting more money?
There is no deficit..."
Read on and see the lies!

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