Sunday, October 16, 2016

CUNY Prof Accused of Sexual Harassment Because His Syllabus Says Effort Is 10% of Grade

CUNY Prof Accused of Sexual Harassment Because His Syllabus Says Effort Is 10% of Grade - Hit & Run :
"A professor at the City University of New York's Brooklyn College was ordered to make changes to his syllabus because it amounted to sexual harassment.
The professor, David Seidemann has refused to comply, and for good reason.
According to Seidemann, a university administrator expressed three grievances about the syllabus. First, and most quizzically, the grading portion of the syllabus suggests sexual harassment.
It reads, "Class deportment, effort etc……. 10% (applied only to select students when appropriate)."
That's it. 
That's sexual harassment, Seidemann's department chair claimed.
No one explained it to him..."

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