Friday, May 26, 2017

Cost Of Universal Healthcare In California: A Mere 2x The State's Entire Annual Budget | Zero Hedge

Cost Of Universal Healthcare In California: A Mere 2x The State's Entire Annual Budget | Zero Hedge:
Image result for free health care"Back in February, a gaggle of California Senators introduced Senate Bill 562, a publicly funded universal healthcare system otherwise conveniently marketed as "The Healthy California Act"...because who in their right mind would oppose Californians being healthy?
Presumably "The California Single-Payer Healthcare System, Courtesy of A Back-Breaking $400 Billion Tax, Act" was passed over because the truth isn't quite so 'marketable' in this particular case.
Unfortunately, while catchy protest slogans like "Healthcare is a Human Right" sound so appealing, the cost of the Liberal healthcare end goal (i.e. a "Single-Payer System"), as some California Senators are finding out today, is somewhat 'cost prohibitive'.
According to a study by California's Senate Appropriations Committee, the price tag of SB562 is around $400 billion a year, which just happens to be a little over 2x Cali's entire annual budget..."

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