Thursday, June 08, 2017

A national disgrace!-----SHOCK: Zero students at six Baltimore schools test proficient in English or math |

SHOCK: Zero students at six Baltimore schools test proficient in English or math |
"BALTIMORE, Md. – Baltimore schools are failing students on serious scale, and it’s not for lack of spending on high-priced administrators and other school employees.
Image result for education failNot a single student in five of the city’s high schools and one middle school tested up to state standards in English and math, an astonishingly embarrassing statistic that’s infuriating some parents, Fox Baltimore reports.
“That’s absurd to me,” Janel Nelson, mother of Frederick Douglass High School senior Navon Warren, told the news station.
“That’s your teacher’s report card, ultimately.”
...High school students are tested by the state in math and English.
Their scores place them in one of five categories – a four or five is considered proficient and one through three are not.
At Frederick Douglass, 185 students took the state math test last year and 89 percent fell into the lowest level. Just one student approached expectations and scored a three.
...“In 2013-14, a total of 659 Baltimore City school employees made at least $100,000 in regular and additional earnings combined – and that’s not counting the untold cost of insurance and other benefits..."
Read on.
It gets worse!

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