Saturday, July 22, 2017

Fight for the Future Offers $15K for Full-Time Anti-Trump Activists - Breitbart

Fight for the Future Offers $15K for Full-Time Anti-Trump Activists - Breitbart:
Image result for hitler brownshirts"A group of anti-Trump activists is offering potentially as much as $15,000 to full-time political activists to help in the resistance against President Donald Trump.
“Terrified about Trump? 
Quit your job, start an A-Team. 
We might just fund it,” readsFight For The Future’s A-Teams project page. 
The A-Teams project offers as much as $15,000 for the first month to political activism teams to fight a wide range of social and political issues listed on the website, including, “Healthcare / ACA, Climate, Immigration, The Wall, Corruption, Racism / Fascism, Police, Prisons.”
...Further down the page, however, the funding description becomes slightly less promising: “To start, we’re going to select some of the strongest teams for funding. 
So if you’ve got a 2-3 person A-Team and a target, you should apply. 
We’d potentially give you $15,000 for the first month, just to see what you can do.” 
...Essentially, none of the funding for this project is guaranteed..."

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