Sunday, December 17, 2017

Interesting thoughts-----Rethinking the Burning Question of Cremation | Intellectual Takeout

Rethinking the Burning Question of Cremation | Intellectual Takeout:

"It has been pointed out that death is now the taboo which sex once was. 
While having become numb to the latter, to the former we have become utterly prudish. 
The increasingly widespread practice of cremating the dead is good evidence in favour of this thesis. 
Rethinking the Burning Question of Cremation Our acceptance of cremation reveals that we no longer value the dead, nor view death an impetus to living well, or even understand what is a human being. 
Much more is lost to the furnaces of crematoria than we might at first suppose.
...And, yet, these facts alone do not decide the matter. 
Something needs to be said of the impoverishment that cremation engenders: it obscures and even destroys memory, history and community. 
Though many are content to pretend the dead are irrelevant, that the world is theirs to refashion and control, and that the discomfort that death evokes justifies its exclusion from consciousness, we all do well to remember that we are connected in time and space to those who have come before us..."
Read on.

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