Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Imagine if Gill was white....

... and said the same crap!

Mlive.com's Printer-Friendly Page: "

County board chairman fight goes to court
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
By Steve Gunn
If it comes, the election of the Muskegon County Board chairman likely will qualify as an anti-climax compared to the pre-election uproar.
Lawyers were scheduled to be in court today fighting over whether a chairman's election should be part of the board's annual organizational meeting Wednesday.
Bill Gill, the current board chairman, recently filed suit in 14th Circuit Court, seeking to determine whether the majority of county commissioners have the legal right to replace him as chairman.
The suit named commissioners John Snider, Chuck Buzzell, James Derezinski, Robert Scolnik, Marvin Engle and Steve Wisniewski as defendants.

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