Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Senate Republicans kill pay discrimination bill

Senate Republicans kill pay discrimination bill:
"Republicans in the Senate have killed a bill that would have removed limits on how long workers can wait before suing their employers for pay discrimination....
So important was the bill to Democrats that Majority Leader Harry Reid delayed the vote until dinnertime to allow Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama to cast votes and, for the first time in months, speak on the Senate floor. Republican presidential candidate John McCain did not attend the vote.
Opponents said the bill would cause a flood of lawsuits. Democrats said it was needed to help employees to recoup lost wages."

Classic liberal "journalism" avoiding the "how did they vote" minutia.

GordoM will help!

B.Hussein and Mrs Bill voted to have unending time limits for lawsuits against employers.

Like... forever dude....

If you were "dissed" 45 years ago, call a democrat check-writing-class-action-lawyer and cash in baby!

B. Hussein and Mrs Bill voted for the bill.

Sen. McCrook didn't have to vote because there were enough votes to defeat the bill.

No wonder "newspapers" are dying.

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