Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Alaskan Oil Abundance Versus Washington's Wasted Billions: The case for new oil drilling in Alaska and off America's coasts

Alaskan Oil Abundance Versus Washington's Wasted Billions: The case for new oil drilling in Alaska and off America's coasts
"In Alaska, we have a pipeline which could flow another 1.5 million barrels per day—worth nearly $50 billion per year—from vast oil resources waiting to be drilled.
Oil appears to be abundant all the way across Northern Alaska from the Canadian border, where British Petroleum (BP) spent a billion dollars for new Canadian leases, to the shallow Chukchi Sea near the border with Russia, where test drilling is planned for next year.

New oil drilling in Alaska and off America's coasts would create hundreds of thousands of American jobs and billions of dollars in real tax revenue for Washington."

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