Thursday, February 18, 2010

Michael Moore in Muskegon

I despise Mike Moore's anti-American rhetoric and fervently believe his movies are offensive distortions of the truth. His damage to our country's reputation and our system of capitalism will be long lasting.

But I was at the $75 gig last night at Hagar's and it was pretty cool.

And Mike was almost humble and very down to earth. And very likeable.

There were about 40 people, more if you count the volunteers providing food and a band.

And his short talk to the adoring crowd was strong on "support the arts" and wonder at the "big empty building down the road" (Sappi) and the Frauenthal. "Is that really your downtown?" he said almost hoping it wasn't.

He prattled on about the mess that Flint/Muskegon is today but threw no big stones.

He seemed to think a "non-profit" theatre was somehow better than a for-profit theatre.

But on the whole I came away with the feeling he was kind of a good guy.

I even got a photo of my man Mike and me!

I imagine I'd have felt the same way after a fun night with Bernie Maddoff.

His movies are Goebbels style propaganda but if he helps The Harbor, why not?

I love going into the belly of the beast.


Anonymous said...

When I watched (or, rather, tried to watch), a Michael Moore film, I never left the movie wanting to jump on a bus and follow a presidential tour. Or go up to a bank and demand they give me my money back. Or muster the audacity to stroll up to a company and demand to speak to the CEO because he owed me an explanation about something.

This certainly didn't make me HATE Michael Moore. But I did find myself rolling my eyes more than once, not so much at the theatrics of the "points" the filmmaker was trying to make but at the following of sheep behind him, who were on the couch snacking on Cheetos just ten minutes before the movie, and just ten minutes after the movie was more than enough time for them to position their new presidential endorsement bumper stickers and begin whining about the health care system.

In short, I would summarize that the movies were effective, but not "for me". Perhaps I am too hard to please as a movie-goer. It's also possible that I'm too passive in my political beliefs.

But undeniably, his generous effort to help save a failing business in the community, state, country and world I live in is evidence enough that he is the bees knees. Add on that he is relatable, personable, humble, seemingly slightly awkward and out of place, thoughtful enough to drive by downtown to offer small talk, and respectful enough not to criticize its faults?

Maybe I should get on that bus after all and chase whatever he's after.

fasb rating system said...

I would summarize that the movies were effective, but not "for me". Perhaps I am too hard to please as a movie-goer. It's also possible that I'm too passive in my political beliefs.