Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Etheridge the Unready -- and his enablers

Power Line - Etheridge the Unready -- and his enablers
"Whoever the young interrogators of Rep. Etheridge, and whatever their motives, Etheridge unmistakably revealed that he is a bully and a nut."

1 comment:

Reaganite Independent said...

It’s Obama who set the tone… HE is the one with “get in their face”, “hit back twice as hard”, and gonna “kick ass” while Salazar puts his “boot on their throat”. What the hell is this, the Third Reich?

Now this arrogant clown Etheridge thinks it OK to get violent with an innocent reporter asking a question… and in the most polite fashion imaginable- who cares what his motivations were or weren’t.

What a horrible example Team Obama and allied union thugs have set for their minions.. who now feel free to lash out like punks at any who dare question them.

And anyone who still considers Obama some sort of unifier ought to have their head examined- seriously