Thursday, August 19, 2010

Growing number of Americans believe Obama a Muslim

The AP journos offer another explanation:
His full name, Barack Hussein Obama, sounds Muslim to many.

"To many"?
Are there people who think this sounds like a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or Hundu name?

None of the above journos mention the memorable moment when Obama spoke of "my Muslim faith."

Nor his striking bow before the Saudi King -- the protector of Mecca and Medina.

Then there is the small matter of Obama's ditching any Christian religious observance since leaving Trinity United Church, headed by Louis Farrakhan-honoring, America-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright.

And his skipping of the National Prayer Breakfast.

The poll was taken before the President's hosting of an Iftar (Ramadan) dinner at the White House, endorsing the Ground Zero Mosque.

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