Monday, December 13, 2010

How the press missed SB 400 in 1999

On the Media: How the press missed SB 400 in 1999 -
"The bill won approval on the final day of the state legislative session in the fall of 1999.
But searching this week for contemporaneous coverage of the law, I found little to nothing.

Reporters straining to keep up with 11th-hour deal-making that Friday in September gave plenty of attention to an agreement that would allow an expansion of Indian gambling operations around California.
A lot of attention also went to a couple of bills that cracked down on illegal sweatshops.
Another piece of legislation, providing gay students a legal shield against abuse, also made front-page news.

But SB 400 got only a handful of mentions — and terse ones at that — across dozens of papers and other outlets, including the Los Angeles Times. When Gov. Gray Davis signed the bill, it hugely expanded pension benefits for state workers.
It set a benchmark that would be followed by dozens of counties and cities."

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