Monday, February 21, 2011

Binding arbitration means budget maladministration

NT TAKE — Binding arbitration means budget maladministration - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel
"Binding arbitration gives the arbitrator the power to restructure an entire city’s priorities or agenda.
The fund marked for a city park expansion?
Now that money will pay firefighter pensions
The dollars the city was saving to add a children’s literacy program to the library?
Now that funds increased police vacation time.
If there isn’t a fund that can be reallocated or a budget item that can be redirected to pay for an arbitrator’s binding decision, city officials are left with only one decision to make:
Either lay off police and fire or raise taxes.
According to the State Fire Marshall, there are 2,315 fewer police officers and 2,000 fewer firefighters in Michigan than there were in 2001.
Yet costs to municipalities have risen significantly."

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