Wednesday, August 17, 2011

David Kolb: Can Michigan Democrats catch up to Wisconsin and Ohio?

David Kolb: Can Michigan Democrats catch up to Wisconsin and Ohio?
"Will Michigan “Go Blue” again in the 2012 presidential elections?
I remain unconvinced, and I’m an optimist."

What a surprise!

As David Kolbe continues his pro-union, anti-employer crusade, his disdain for the simple American looking for a job begins to filter through his rhetoric.

What he misses (by design?) is the reality that the business climate in Wisconsin and Ohio has improved markedly.
Employment is up, state revenue is up and employers are flocking to the newly "red" states.

Because of the pro-employer policies of the governors and legislatures of Ohio and Wisconsin, more employees are earning a paycheck-and paying taxes.

Get the connection? Employers.....employees...?

That's good for workers, taxpayers and those who need the safety net that only profitable companies and hard working employees can guarantee.

Instead, Kolbe adopts the divisive, pure politics of the and ACORN playbook.

Obama has taken the same big spending, anti-employer stance.

How's that working out for you?

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