Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Racist Ravings of Derrick Bell

The Racist Ravings of Derrick Bell | FrontPage Magazine
Derrick Bell is best known as the founding father of Critical Race Theory, an academic discipline which maintains that society is divided along racial lines into (white) oppressors and (black) victims, similar to the way Marxism frames the oppressor/victim dichotomy along class lines.
Critical Race Theory contends that America is permanently racist to its core, and that consequently its legal structures are, by definition, racist and invalid.
A logical derivative of this premise, according to Critical Race Theory, is that the members of “oppressed” racial groups are entitled—in fact obligated—to determine for themselves which laws and traditions have merit and are worth observing.
Such a perspective’s implications for the ability of civil society to function at all, are nothing short of monumental.

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