Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Muskegon County plans to re-enact closed session after lawsuit filed

Muskegon County plans to re-enact closed session after lawsuit filed | MLive.com
County Board Chairman Ken Mahoney said the re-enactment option is a way “to avoid confusion,” while County Commissioner Scott Plummer added the re-enactment is being held “so the public can be present.”

When Jager suggested that the Brookhaven discussion or re-enactment be delayed until after the audit is presented, County Board Vice-Chairman John Snider countered that the re-enactment is only about what was said at that closed session, not additional debate about the topic.

“It’s not to justify what we did,” Snider said. “It was not done in secret.”

Jager disagreed, contending the issue was conducted in secret.

Williams said he takes any blame regarding the closed session issue, pointing out it is his job to protect the board. He said the case law on the Open Meetings Act’s allowance for closed sessions can be interpreted in different ways.

“If any mistakes were made, they were mine,” Williams said.

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