Friday, April 13, 2012

Putting Nix to bed

Putting Nix to bed - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
"My old, old, old football coach, Buck Nystrom, once made a statement at a spring practice to me, ‘Son you don’t understand, discipline is the greatest form of love you can show someone.’
So today, I’m gonna tell him I love him.
And I’m gonna tell him that these guys are gonna help, the staff … and I’m gonna teach him that the world can be cruel.
A lot of people throw stones that if the tables were turned, I’d just ask you to remember this before you ask me questions:
Do you want me to treat him like a 6-9, 275-pound human being that just kind of walks and goes by himself or do you want me to treat him like I treat your son?
"You better think before you answer that.
Because I know how I’d want my son treated.
And he’s gonna make mistakes.
And I’m gonna have to deal with him. I don’t think there is one person in this room that hits the road on their son.
And when we make a commitment to a kid, we tell mom, we tell dad, you know give us the baton for four years and see if we can continue the process or make it even better.

I'm thinking every parent can relate to this wonderful man's comments.

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