Friday, November 29, 2013

Think I read about media cover-ups when Jews were beaten and killed back in the day-----The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal

Little seems to have changed with today's American liberal media.
We expect it with NYT/CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC/ABC.
But it is especially galling to see American tax dollars supporting the cover-up at the government funded NPR and PBS.
Pravda by any other name.
The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal | RealClearPolitics:
"The "knockout game" -- and the media underreporting of it -- combines the breakdown of the family with the media's condescending determination to serve as a public relations bureau for blacks.
The "game" is a dare in which a young man -- all the perps appear to be male people of color, mostly blacks -- tries to literally knock out an innocent bystander with one blow.
Both National Public Radio and The New York Times say these reports of the "knockout game" being widespread are overblown and do not represent a trend. 
According to Colin Flaherty, author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It," the knockout game has gone national. He describes "knockouts" in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, St. Louis, Birmingham, Chicago, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Denver, Minneapolis, Georgetown, New York City, Greensboro, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Miami, Cleveland, Nashville, Peoria, Seattle, Saratoga Springs, Atlanta and a host of others towns and cities."

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