Sunday, December 29, 2013

Where is the outrage? -----------Sickening fact: Only three Camden students had ‘college ready’ SAT test scores

An even bigger failure than Obamacare, yet little outrage.
Or even interest.
Gifted to our once great country by the democrat party, teacher unions and idiots who equate money given to teachers with education given to children.

Sickening fact: Only three Camden students had ‘college ready’ SAT test scores - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.:
"CAMDEN, N.J. – Paymon Rouhanifard, the new superintendent of the troubled Camden, New Jersey school district, said he experienced a “kick-in-the-stomach” moment when he recently learned that only three students who took the SAT test in the 2011-12 school year scored “college ready,” according to ABC News."

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