Friday, January 31, 2014

Why the U.S. Has Lost Manufacturing Jobs

Why the U.S. Has Lost Manufacturing Jobs –

"The basic story is that half the world had a labor force that was basically being thwarted by communist and similar repressive governments, and when the dam was burst and free market forces unleashed, giant equilibrating economic forces came into play.

 One result has been lower prices for products imported made overseas and imported into America.

Another result is that American workers have had to compete with Chinese workers."

......A true growth agenda for America and Americans need not even take these measures just mentioned, however. 
Any political candidate can assemble a list of measures that free up the American entrepreneurs and economy by focusing on individual industries and sectors and locating those costly regulations and measures that are impeding them. 
Such a list will not resemble at all the existing programs produced annually by Congress, which are aimed at votes, interest groups and not at improving the American economy. 
A political candidate who really intends to do something for Americans and their economy has to be willing to go over the heads of Congress and its entrenched interests, to go directly to the broad American public and rally them behind a new program and a new agenda for American growth.

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