Saturday, November 29, 2014

Liberal democrats don't just kill cities, they kill the future------See Flint's 10 most urgent capital needs and brace for the bill: $134 million

See Flint's 10 most urgent capital needs and brace for the bill: $134 million |
"FLINT, MI -- The city wants to know what residents think about a five-year plan for fixing Flint's most urgent needs -- once they get past the sticker shock.
The 10 most expensive and urgently needed projects in a draft Capital Improvement Plan alone would cost nearly $135 million during the next five years.
The city is hosting three meetings to discuss the plan with residents.
The CIP labels projects "urgent," "important" and "desirable" in prioritizing them for planning purposes.
"It is inevitable that the number of projects required to address all of the city's infrastructure needs will exceed the available funding ... (and) the projects listed in this CIP are but a fraction of what is needed for the city to once again attain its previous status," the report says."

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