Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Muslim Authority Tried to Hide Biblical History of Jerusalem by Moving Tons of Earth from the Temple Mount. Looks Like a Boy Ruined That Plan When He Found a 3,000-Year-Old King David-Era Artifact. | TheBlaze.com

Muslim Authority Tried to Hide Biblical History of Jerusalem by Moving Tons of Earth from the Temple Mount. Looks Like a Boy Ruined That Plan When He Found a 3,000-Year-Old King David-Era Artifact. | TheBlaze.com:

"Jonathan Tobin in Commentary Magazine explained the political context of the fight over archaeological evidence:

By trashing an area that was loaded with precious artifacts buried over 30 centuries, the Palestinians hope to convince the world that Jews have no claim to Jerusalem, let alone any part of Israel, including the areas inside the 1967 lines.

The significance of the seal is that it shows the level of activity that is consistent with it serving as the site of the capital of ancient Israel. Since denying the existence of David’s Kingdom might hurt the case for Zionism’s legitimacy, destroying evidence of that history is key to their agenda. […]"

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