Sunday, December 27, 2015

History for December 27

History for December 27 -
Johannes Kepler 1571, Louis Pasteur 1822, Sydney Greenstreet 1879 

Marlene Dietrich 1901, Lee Salk 1926, Gerard Depardieu 1948 

1831 - Charles Darwin set out on a voyage to the Pacific aboard the HMS Beagle. Darwin's discoveries during the voyage helped him form the basis of his theories on evolution. 

1845 - Dr. Crawford Williamson Long used anesthesia for childbirth for the first time. The event was the delivery of his own child in Jefferson, GA

1900 - Carrie Nation staged her first raid on a saloon at the Carey Hotel in Wichita, KS. She broke each and every one of the liquor bottles that could be seen. 

1938 - The first skimobile course in America opened in North Conway, NH

1945 - The World Bank was created with an agreement signed by 28 nations. 

1947 - The children's television program "Howdy Doody," hosted by Bob Smith, made its debut on NBC. 

1979 - Soviet forces seized control of Afghanistan. Babrak Karmal succeeded President Hafizullah Amin, who was overthrown and executed.

2002 - North Korea ordered U.N. nuclear inspectors to leave the country and said that it would restart a laboratory capable of producing plutonium for nuclear weapons.

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