Sunday, January 31, 2016

REVEALED: Hillary's Chief Of Staff Did Something Unbelievable... Right Up There With Email Scandal

REVEALED: Hillary's Chief Of Staff Did Something Unbelievable... Right Up There With Email Scandal:

 "The use of personal Blackberrys by State Department officials has been a major focus of the ongoing investigation into Clinton’s communications protocol at the helm of the U.S. diplomatic corps. About a year before Mills’ lost her device — during Clinton’s first year as secretary of state — the man then heading up the department’s diplomatic security bureau issued a direct warning against the use of such devices.

He wrote in a 2009 memo that he could not “stress too strongly” the fact that “any unclassified BlackBerry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving emails, and exploring calendars.”

As with so many examples of questionable behavior, Hillary Clinton apparently felt the rules did not apply to her…or to her inner circle."

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