Monday, July 25, 2016

‘Don’t Believe the Liberal Media’: Warning Signs Welcome DNC Attendees to Philadelphia |

‘Don’t Believe the Liberal Media’: Warning Signs Welcome DNC Attendees to Philadelphia |

“They have been in the tank for her since the beginning. We can safely predict that at the Democratic National Convention they will need smelling salts to recover from their fainting spells,” Bozell said. “The Media Research Center is not going to allow the media to coronate Hillary without a fight. We intend to show all of America their role in propping up, promoting, and defending the most corrupt person to ever receive a major party’s nomination. From Benghazi to illegal Clinton Foundation donations to criminally-dangerous misuse of classified information, the media have held Hillary’s hand every step of the way and they ought to be ashamed. It’s time they started to report the truth."

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