Thursday, November 10, 2016

American election riots over Trump win across New York, California and Chicago | Daily Star

American election riots over Trump win across New York, California and Chicago | Daily Star:
"Dozens of pro-Clinton supporters have been arrested after nationwide protests over Trump's election saw American flags burned, windows smashed clashes with riot cops.
Thousands of angry protesters filled the streets of New York last night as they stormed towards Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue, chanting "f*** Trump" and "not my president".
Meanwhile, five people – three men and one woman – were shot near an anti-Trump protest in Seattle, in Washington state.Donald Trump election win riots
In Chicago, an estimated 1,800 people gathered outside the Trump International Hotel and Tower, yelling "No Trump! No KKK! No racist USA."
Adriana Rizzo, 22, who witnessed the scenes in Chicago, said: "I'm just really terrified about what is happening in this country."
The protests came after dozens of major cities across the US were flooded with angry protesters following the shock announcement of Trump's win.
...Meanwhile, hundreds of students from the University of Oregon were heard shouting "f*** Trump" as they marched through campus moments after Trump was decared winner.
And in Portland, Oregon, Clinton supporters were filmed setting fire to the American flag while shouting shouting "F*** Donald Trump".
Cops dressed in riot gear blocked off streets in downtown Oakland where more than 300 protesters massed.
Officers urged protesters to go home after a young woman was "intentionally struck by an SUV" as part of the demonstration.
The woman is said to have suffered major injuries but the full extent of her condition is not known..."

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