Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Waitress Fired from Waffle House for Pulling Gun to Fend off Robbers, as Chain's "Gun-Free Zone" Policy Spurs Rash of Armed Robberies Nationwide

Waitress Fired from Waffle House for Pulling Gun to Fend off Robbers, as Chain's "Gun-Free Zone" Policy Spurs Rash of Armed Robberies Nationwide | The Daily Sheeple:
gunfreezoneThree robbers finished their meal at a Newnan, Georgia Waffle House in the middle of the night, but instead of paying their bill, one handed a note to the cashier threatening to shoot everybody if the employees didn’t hand over the restaurant’s cash.
The men then ran out to the parking lot. 
After her coworker handed former waitress Heather “Shorty” Burkinshaw-Stanley (pictured below) the note, she ran and grabbed her gun from her car and fired one shot into the air outside as the robbers made off in their cars.
She’s a “former” waitress now because Waffle House fired her over her actions.
4477984_1483224727-7666“I didn’t know if they had guns. I didn’t know if they were going to their vehicle to get another one and could come back and try to get to the safe, so my instinct was to go to my car and get the gun,” she said.
Stanley said she was only trying to protect the store and her co-workers and didn’t expect to be let go. “For trying to protect their Waffle House and trying to protect their money and to get their money back, they let me go,” she said.
She makes a good point. The robbers threatened to kill everyone and they could be coming back for the safe. It’s a reasonable precaution to take under those circumstances. Waiting for police to show up in that situation could mean lives lost.
Not to mention another Waffle House restaurant in the same area had been robbed twice in the weeks before this incident.
Could the chain’s nationwide no-weapons policy possibly have something to do with that..?"

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