Sunday, February 19, 2017

Behold! The Party's New 5-year Housing Plan!

Behold! The Party's New 5-year Housing Plan!
"What will they think of next? Burdened by the People's lack of money due to Kapitalistik demands, the Party in our People's Stronghold of Los Angeles has developed a glorious new 5-year plan of People's Housing. It's so revolutionary, in fact, that the plan was hatched by the daughter of a bona-fide Russian!

"Accessible to All", as the comrade in the video states, this smart new plan features only one kitchen and one bathroom, but has many beds situated in an environment that permits no privacy, a fact which all right-thinking comrades assuredly will enjoy. 

A particularly revolutionary part of this stunning "dormitory-style" idea is the communal refrigerator, with a tiny, yet generous space provided to put your daily vodka ration or beet harvest. An even more revolutionary feature is the communal toiletry ration, a state-provided plus for fortifying your immune system against any sicknesses your fellow comrades may get.

The interior is reminiscent of a Glorious People's Factory or Tractor Barn, with concrete floors, scrap wood, and unfinished beams. Nameboards make it easy for you to find your bed and easy for the KGB to know who has that copy of the Constitution or Shakedown Socialism. 

Bunkbeds, or Pods, as the comrade tells us they are, throw you kicking and screaming back to your childhood dacha, filled with family (or what's left of it) and freezing cold air. A personal outlet and telescreen provide luxury usually only enjoyed by high-ranking party officials. A nightlight only adds to the child-like glow of this truly gorgeous Party-manufactured living arrangement.

Community areas allow easy organization of Party protests or presentations of how the white capitalist man has crushed our comrades, seen them driven before him, and heard the lamentation of our trans-women. They also allow you to assault the senses of any comrade who does not like sonic modern art.

The comrade in the video says that she wishes to expand this idea across the People's Stronghold, and that anybody part of the pod-family should be able to pop into anybody else's Pod-house to use the bathroom or computer and to get a Pod-house anywhere. Boxhe moi, that idea is so revolutionary it makes my Kube spin!

The comrade also says that "you want to exist in the way you want to exist without having some code restrict that". Looks like she is an early adopter of our pro-Refugee and Mexican Economic Migrant Policies! 

This writer only regrets that she didn't follow through with our Mexican Migrant policies by hiring the friendly Mexican helpers undoubtedly stationed outside of the Home Depot she got her materials from.

For more information, consult this 30 minute newsreel:

Podsharing: Nothing to your name but access to everything, an idea which must have flowed from the font of Kommunist thought that Marx sipped from 170 years ago. An idea which is truly revolutionary. An idea for all, as long as you can climb up stairs. An idea that proves that, despite the election of the orange gorilla, our agenda is being followed more and more every day. An idea which is coming to you, whether you like it or not.


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