Saturday, March 18, 2017

Top U.S. Hospitals Promote Unproven Therapies | RealClearInvestigations

Top U.S. Hospitals Promote Unproven Therapies | RealClearInvestigations
"Hospitals affiliated with top research universities--including Yale, Duke and Johns Hopkins--aggressively promote alternative therapies, such as "energy healing," that have little or no scientific backing. 
Image result for Voodoo Witch DoctorAn investigation of 15 top academic research centers across the U.S. shows that alternative and therapeutic remedies have become embedded into hospitals and medical school curriculums.
From STAT News:
Some hospitals have built luxurious, spa-like wellness centers to draw patients for spiritual healing, homeopathy, and more. And they're promoting such treatments for a wide array of conditions, including depression, heart disease, cancer, and chronic pain. 
Duke even markets a pediatric program that suggests on its website that alternative medicine, including “detoxification programs” and “botanical medicines,” can help children with conditions ranging from autism to asthma to ADHD.
“We've become witch doctors,” said Dr. Steven Novella, a professor of neurology at the Yale School of Medicine and a longtime critic of alternative medicine..."

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