Friday, June 23, 2017

This Is Why You Don't Stand In A B-1's Jet Blast - World War Wings

This Is Why You Don't Stand In A B-1's Jet Blast - World War Wings:
"It Sounded Like A Good Idea.
Some people, called plane spotters, got to extreme lengths in order to record or photograph their favorite planes. 
This Is Why You Don’t Stand In A B-1’s Jet Blast | World War Wings Videos
...As you’ll see, although we don’t know where this is, many people (mentioned before) knew exactly where to be and at what time. 
With a couple dozen of them in the field behind the edge of the runway, they waited in anticipation of seeing one of the best looking planes of all time, namely, the B-1 bomber.
...B-1s GE F101 engines produce 14,600 lbf. (30,780 with afterburner) each, and these bombers have four of them!
Well, see what happens when you get too close to them. 
It’s actually pretty funny how quickly these people realized this was a bad idea.

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