Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Dangers Of Treating Transgenderism Differently Than Other Dysphoric Mental Disorders | Daily Wire

The Dangers Of Treating Transgenderism Differently Than Other Dysphoric Mental Disorders | Daily Wire:

Image result for chromosome"The cultural push for transgender “rights,” whether it be state-sanctioned access to particular restrooms, or the removal of gender dysphoria from the DSM, has reached a fever pitch in recent years. Celebrities and politicians advocating for the rights of transgender individuals to "live their truth” has become the norm, and anyone who objects to this movement is declared a bigot.

What if the celebrities, the politicians, and the medical experts are wrong, and the alleged bigots are on to something? What if transgender individuals aren't suffering from a mental dysphoria that can be treated externally with surgeries and internally with hormone replacement therapies? What if by acquiescing to the desires of those with gender dysphoria, and labeling those who challenge those desires as bigots, we are doing harm?"

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