Monday, September 25, 2017

Blame Game 2017: Clinton Implies She Was True Victim Of Negative Press Coverage | Daily Wire

Blame Game 2017: Clinton Implies She Was True Victim Of Negative Press Coverage | Daily Wire:

Image result for flicker commons images hillary clinton"In an interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid broadcast on Saturday, Hillary Clinton continued Blame Tour 2017. Today’s target? The media.

REID: What do you say to reporters who say: “Well, the email scandal was not the media's fault, it was your fault.”

CLINTON: Oh, I made the original mistake, but, you know, people running for office make all kinds of mistakes. I mean, Trump had a million mistakes that he made before he ever ran and that he made once he declared to run. That didn't matter. You know, there was a little bit of coverage on whatever it might be, and then it faded away. The emails was a constant diet."

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