Thursday, September 21, 2017

Here's 13 things that make people dislike you immediately, according to science - ScienceAlert

Here's 13 things that make people dislike you immediately, according to science - ScienceAlert:
"...Below, Business Insider rounded up various scientific findings on the traits and behaviours that make people dislike you, both online and in person.
1. Sharing too many photos on Facebook
Image result for this is bullshitIf you're the kind of person who shares snapshots of your honeymoon, cousin's graduation, and dog dressed in a Halloween costume all in the same day, you might want to stop.
A 2013 study found that posting too many photos on Facebook can hurt your real-life relationships.
"This is because people, other than very close friends and relatives, don't seem to relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves," lead study author David Houghton, of Birmingham Business School, said in a release.
Specifically, friends don't like it when you've got too many photos of family, and relatives don't like it when you've got too many photos of friends.
Ben Marder, of the University of Edinburgh, also worked on the study, and warned: "Be cautious when sharing and think how it will be perceived by all the others who may see it. Although sharing is a great way to better relationships, it can also damage them."
2. Having too many, or too few, Facebook friends
In a 2008 study, Michigan State University researchers asked college students to look at fictional Facebook profiles and decide how much they liked the profiles' owners..."
Don't bother to read on.
The article is not the point.
This is what passes for "research" and "scientific findings" in our universities?!!
What a waste of public money!
And a waste of brainpower... if there is any left.

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