Monday, October 30, 2017

History for October 30

Image result for General George C. Marshall Quotes
History for October 30 -
John Adams (U.S.) 1735, Alfred Sisley 1839, Ezra Pound 1885
Image result for john adams quotesImage result for Alfred SisleyImage result for ezra pound quotes

Charles Atlas 1893, Grace Slick (Jefferson Airplane/Starship) 1939, Henry Winkler 1945
 Image result for Grace SlickImage result for Henry Winkler

1817 - The independent government of Venezuela was established by Simon Bolivar.
Image result for Venezuela socialism

1831 - Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the bloodiest slave uprising in American history.
Image result for Nat Turner

1938 - Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds" aired on CBS radio. The belief that the realistic radio dramatization was a live news event about a Martian invasion caused panic among listeners.
Image result for Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds"

1953 - General George C. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Image result for General George C. Marshal

1961 - The Soviet Union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force of approximately 58 megatons.
Image result for Soviet Union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force of approximately 58 megatons.

1975 - The New York Daily News ran the headline "Ford to City: Drop Dead." The headline came a day after U.S. President Gerald R. Ford said he would veto any proposed federal bailout of New York City.
Image result for "Ford to City: Drop Dead."

1989 - Mitsubishi Estate Company announced it would buy 51 percent of Rockefeller Group Inc. of New York.
Image result for Mitsubishi buy 51 percent of Rockefeller center

1995 - Federalist prevailed over separatists in Quebec in a referendum concerning secession from the federation of Canada.
Image result for Quebec in a referendum concerning secession

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