Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Millennial snowflakes expect an easy ride in the Navy - Washington Times

Millennial snowflakes expect an easy ride in the Navy - Washington Times
"The British Navy ruled the seas and built an empire with wooden ships and iron men. 
The United States Navy fought and won World War II with iron ships manned by iron men. 
Sadly, today’s Navy more resembles iron ships manned by girly men — (and many of them are girls).
Image result for today’s Navy girly menIn recent months, I’ve had the opportunity to read the results of Navy command climate surveys designed to take the temperature of morale among the crews of various ships. 
I haven’t experienced such whining since the last time I housebroke a puppy. 
From the nature of the complaints, I’d say that the worst day experienced by the sailors aboard ships surveyed would be a pretty good day in a Marine Corps infantry battalion or aircraft squadron.
The problem with the Navy is that many of its enlisted sailors are millennial snowflakes who still think and act like civilians. 
Their great-grandfathers worked 12-hour shifts, and sometimes remained at battle stations for days at a time. 
Discipline was tough and the failure to meet standards was time in the brig on bread and water.
These kids seem to want a participation trophy for just showing up for duty..."
Read on!

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