Friday, October 13, 2017

What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Stay in Reno :: SteynOnline

What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Stay in Reno :: SteynOnline
"...We're now told that that timeline was, in fact, back to front.
Instead, Jesus Campos was investigating the door alert before the massacre even began.

At 9.59pm, Paddock responded to Mr Campos' arrival by emptying 200 rounds into the 32nd floor corridor.
Which seems a tad excessive.
Paddock then apparently took a leisurely six-minute break before going over to the window and beginning his massacre. 
Which seems a tad excessively relaxed.
What was he doing?
Having a nice cup of tea?
Calling down to room service?
Your guess is as good as the coppers'.
...We're asked to believe that he made "millions" playing video poker - which is as likely, as Ann Coulter put it in an excellent column, as making millions by smoking crack.
If, in the all but statistically impossible event he did manage to relieve the casinos' machines of millions of dollars, he would certainly not be additionally enriched by free hotel suites and complimentary $500-a-glass vintage port, as his brother claims..."

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