Saturday, December 16, 2017

Detailed Maps Split the U.S. Into TrumpLand and the Clinton Archipelago | Inverse

Detailed Maps Split the U.S. Into TrumpLand and the Clinton Archipelago | Inverse:
"The 2016 presidential election forced a lot of Americans to look at their country a new way, and political maps are a helpful, revealing way to do just that.
A new pair of cartograms reimagines America’s topography using data from this divisive election to literally divide the nation into two countries based on who voted for President-elect Donald Trump and who supported Hillary Clinton.
The maps were created by Alex Egoshin, a Vivid Maps contributor who says “maps are like campfires — everyone gathers around them, because they allow people to understand complex issues at a glance, and find agreement about how to help the land.”...

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