Tuesday, January 30, 2018

To Protect Illegals from Deportation, Denver Decriminalizes Pooping on the Pavement

To Protect Illegals from Deportation, Denver Decriminalizes Pooping on the Pavement
Image result for pooping on the pavement."Although a bit uncivilized, it stands to reason that Denver, the first US city to legalize social marijuana, felt it was imperative to decriminalize the non-violent act of urinating or pooping on the pavement.  
After all, studies show that occasionally cannabis smoking has a laxative effect on the body.
Runny innards aside, statewide, it’s still against the law to borrow a vacuum cleaner from a neighbor or to mutilate a rock in a state park.  
...Likewise, if a homeless illegal migrant should happen to squat on the sidewalk in front of a Denver residence, borrowing a wet/dry shop-vac from a neighbor to clean up the walkway could result in the person using the suction device having to pay $1,000 fine, or having to spend the night in jail..."
Read on.

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