Friday, January 19, 2018

Truth!-----Trump's Basic Instincts About the Political War Are Essentially Right, and The Establishment's Sense of It Is Essentially Wrong-----Ace of Spades HQ

Ace of Spades HQ:
Image result for Social Pressure"Trump's Basic Instincts About the Political War Are Essentially Right, and The Establishment's Sense of It Is Essentially Wrong
Very good piece by Joe Katzman for the Daily Caller.
"Short version: 

  • The right attempts political persuasion
  • The left, on the other hand, attempts social persuasion -- basically seizing the commanding heights of culture-making institutions and then deciding that espousing some political claims (being pro-gay-marriage) increase social status and that espousing other political claims (being against gay marriage) decrease social status and, indeed, make one a social pariah, fit for ostracism, mass mockery, and internal exile.

The left's method works much better than the right's. 
It always has and it always will. 
Because most people don't care about politics all that much -- but nearly everyone (except for the crankiest of contrarians, including some of the current assembled company) cares about their social status.
Having higher social status gets you invites to the Cocktail Party Circuit, which is a real thing, defined broadly (and metaphorically) enough. 
It makes you datable, it makes you "clubbable," as the old term went..."
Read it all!

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