Sunday, January 28, 2018

Will Unfinished Train Overpasses Become California's Stonehenge? - Victor Davis Hanson

Will Unfinished Train Overpasses Become California's Stonehenge? - Victor Davis Hanson:
Will Unfinished Train Overpasses Become California's Stonehenge?"Nobody quite knows who built Stonehenge some 5,000 years ago in southern England. 
The mysterious ring of huge stone monoliths stands mute.
Californians may leave behind similarly enigmatic monuments for puzzled future generations. 
Along a 119-mile pathway in central California from Bakersfield to Madera, there are now huge, quarter-finished cement overpasses. These are the totems of the initial segment of a planned high-speed-rail corridor.
Californians thought high-speed rail was a great idea when they voted for it in 2008. 
...Planners assured voters that the cost for the first 520 miles was going to be an "affordable" $33 billion. 
...But projected coasts have soared even before one foot of track has been laid. 
The entire project's estimated costs, according to various projections, may have nearly doubled. 
...There is no assurance that enough Central Valley riders will wish to use the line..."
Read on!

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