Friday, March 30, 2018

Watch: CNN Picks Wrong Woman to Put on Their Trump Panel, Pays the Price

Watch: CNN Picks Wrong Woman to Put on Their Trump Panel, Pays the Price:
"The media has been nothing short of obsessed over former porn actress Stormy Daniels’s claim that she had an affair with then-businessman/TV star Donald Trump about twelve years ago.
CNN, one of the major media outlets pushing the story for all it’s worth, recently put together a panel of women Trump supporters to watch the CBS “60 Minutes” interview between Daniels and CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.

If they thought those women would trash Trump, they were severely mistaken.
...Dr. Lynette Bryant, a black female Trump supporter, at one point stated bluntly, “I think the thing is you’re looking for a way to impeach my president that I worked very hard for.”
“She was shopping her story for money, just like all the other people that have tried to make money off the Trump name,” stated Gina O’Briant.
...“I know that when I voted for him, I wasn’t voting for a choir boy,” stated Bryant of the sordid allegations against the president.
“Someone is looking and shopping for these people to come out of the woodwork because it is demeaning to our president,” added Jill Newsom.
Bryant stated, “You can throw all that stuff up in our faces as many times as you want, but that means that we will work harder for Trump. Is that not so, ladies?”
The rest of the panelists agreed..."
Read on!

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