Monday, April 23, 2018

The only thing you need to know about Earth Day

The only thing you need to know about Earth Day:

Image result for flickr commons images earth"So, if we want the environment to get better, Mother Earth to heal her wounds, Gaia to recover, etc., we need to go pell for leather in making the world's poorest as rich as possible as fast as possible. That’s the pre-condition for people to care enough to do all of those things which we know will benefit the environment.

The excellent news is we know how to do that.
We know there’s only one economic system which does do that. Every country and populace that has got rich has done so through some variant of capitalist free-marketry. No socialist system has managed it, no feudal, no planned, no fascist, certainly no communist. Every place and time which has engaged in what we today call neoliberal globalization has become rich. Thus, that's the system we need to use to save the environment, isn’t it?"

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