Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why Reagan Remains Highly Relevant Almost 30 Years Later | The Heritage Foundation

Why Reagan Remains Highly Relevant Almost 30 Years Later | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images ronald reagan"Reagan led America out of a great psychological depression caused by the Vietnam War, the Watergate scandal, and the misery index of the Jimmy Carter presidency.
Second, Reagan applied the principle of limited government to the economy, cutting taxes and initiating other supply side measures such as deregulation and reduced federal spending, which produced an unprecedented period of economic prosperity lasting well into the 1990s.
He insisted that if you reduced tax rates and allowed people to spend or save more of what they earned, “they’ll be more industrious, they’ll have more incentive to work hard, and money they earn will add fuel to the great economic machine that energizes our national progress.”
As a result, during the 1980s, economic growth averaged 4.6 percent annually, the gross national product doubled, and 17 million new jobs were created."

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