Friday, June 29, 2018

History for June 29

See the source image
History for June 29 -
George W. Goethals 1858, William Mayo 1861, Antoine de Saint-Exupery 1900 
Image result for George Goethals Panama CanalSee the source imageImage result for The Little Prince Antoine De Saint Exupery

Nelson Eddy 1901, John Toland 1912, Slim Pickens 1919 

Image result for Maytime 1936 FilmImage result for 1982 John Toland Rising SunImage result for Slim Pickens Dr. Strangelove

1767 - The British Parliament approved the Townshend Revenue Acts. The acts imposed import duties on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea shipped to America.
Image result for Townshend Revenue Acts.

1888 - Professor Frederick Treves performed the first appendectomy in England.
Image result for Professor Frederick Treves performed the first appendectomy

1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia.
Image result for 1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia.

1953 - The Federal Highway Act authorized the construction of 42,500 miles of freeway from coast to coast.
Image result for 1953 - The Federal Highway Act

1956 - Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller were married. They were divorced on January 20, 1961.
Image result for Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller were married.

1967 - Israel removed barricades, re-unifying Jerusalem.
Image result for 1967 - Israel removed barricades, re-unifying Jerusalem.

1995 - The shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked, forming the largest man-made satellite ever to orbit the Earth.
Image result for 1995 - The shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked,

2007 - The first generation Apple iPhone went on sale.
Image result for 2007 - The first generation Apple iPhone

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