Monday, July 16, 2018

Gender Follies at the University of Minnesota | Power Line

Gender Follies at the University of Minnesota | Power Line
"The University of Minnesota has published in draft form a new “gender identity” policy. 
The Star Tribune headlines: “He, she or ze? Pronouns could pose trouble under University of Minnesota campus policy.”
Using the wrong pronoun could turn into a firing offense at the University of Minnesota.
The U is considering a new “gender identity” policy that would assure transgender men and women, as well as others, the right to use whatever pronoun they wish on campus — whether it’s he, she, “ze” or something else.
And everyone from professors to classmates would be expected to call them by the right words or risk potential disciplinary action, up to firing or expulsion.
Gender nazis love to get people fired.
The University offers a menu of gender identities and pronouns from which students can choose:
Personal Pronoun
• He/him/his
• None
• Prefer not to specify
• She/her/hers
• They/them/theirs
• Ze/Zir/Zirs
Gender identity
• Agender
• Enter your own
• Gender nonconforming
• Genderqueer
• Man
• Nonbinary
• Prefer not to specify
• Two spirit
• Woman
The purpose is to prevent the dreaded “misgendering.”.."
Read on.

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