Monday, August 13, 2018

NFL Hypocrisy: They Refuse to Ban Kneeling, But Banned All These Other Things

NFL Hypocrisy: They Refuse to Ban Kneeling, But Banned All These Other Things
"During the height of the national anthem protest controversy last autumn, statements like this one from Suzanne Nossel in The Washington Post were very much en vogue:
“The threat to free-speech rights from the White House is unmistakable. 
If NFL owners do as the president asks, no matter what justification they give, the bedrock principle that the government cannot abridge the free-speech rights of individuals will have been breached.”
...But that freedom of speech only applies to kneeling for the national anthem. 
Players who take a stand on the field on any other controversial (or not so controversial) topic are on their own. 
No cause célèbre. 
No op-eds in their defense. 
No implications that those who oppose what they’re doing are secretly bigots. 
If you don’t believe me, believe Robert Jackson of Melbourne, Florida. 
He’s the writer behind a letter to the editor that’s going viral on social media as another NFL season approaches...
Read on.

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