Thursday, September 20, 2018

You bet there's money in it!-----Meanwhile the GoFund Me for "Ford's security" has raised over $173k of its $175K goal.

Eric Ivers It was $100,000 goal just a bit ago. I wonder if they can raise a million.

Eric Ivers I also note that it isn't Ford doing the ask. I wonder how much is being cut off of the top, and to what extent this is just a money laundering of Ford's payoff.
Jennifer Verner They are laundering money

Nathan Bupp You can bank on the fact that this whole stunt has been funded by either George Soros and Tom Steyer or both.
Keith Barry There are more than enough home-grown liberals to fund that. Some of them are wealthy. Some, very wealthy. 

And they certainly don't mind dropping 10k on a hate burger and constitutional judge frying.

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