Saturday, November 17, 2018

Broward’s Brenda Snipes Searches Her Office for Over 2,000 ‘Missing’ Ballots | Breitbart

Broward’s Brenda Snipes Searches Her Office for Over 2,000 ‘Missing’ Ballots | Breitbart:

Image result for wikicommons Images Brenda Snipes Snipes herself earlier told the elections Canvassing Board as well as lawyers for the Democratic and Republican parties that the purportedly missing ballots are “in the building” and have not disappeared.
“We have been trying to determine what could have caused the drop. What we believe is that in the recount area … I believe those ballots were probably mixed in with another stack. The ballots are in the building. The ballots are in the building,” Snipes said earlier today.
“The ballots are in this building. There would be nowhere else for them to be. But they are misfiled in this building,” she said.
Several hours later Snipes said that her team still has not found the ballots: “I really wanted to go on the record that the votes are in the building. I know that sounds trite. It sounds foolish,” Snipes said.

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